WHERE are you right now? (Travel, concerts, treks, etc)


@JohnnyRocket69 your trip reports end in Barstow and I fear that you didn’t look out for bats!


It’s not my fault. Well, not completely my fault.

The board only allows 3 post in a row, and told my to shut up and let someone else talk. And so I did.

Made it up to my sisters house, and had a fine time. No bats were spotted, despite my best efforts

Made the return trip, but really only one strange sight. I’ve seen no end of rainbows, but never a … rainpillar?

Stopped at the US Marshals museum in Fort Smith on the return. Word is my GGrandpa was a deputy marshal back in the early 1900s, and I was hoping they would have a library where I could find proof. They didn’t.

Otherwise, not much else.


Charleston, SC last weekend. Bars, boneyards, bridges, booze, and, er… bineapple bountains. Sorry. Alliteration made me do it.


Looks fun!!

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Oh, nowhere in particular.


Awesome!!! Have a great time!!!


I have never been to Disneyland Paris. Post cool pics so I can live vicariously through you!

Have fun!


Just in the queue for Star Tours at the moment


A handful of shots from the last 24 hours, including a brief visit to the Lego store.


We started the day at Disney Studios, which feels more like a normal amusement park and has a lot less to do. The Ratatouille ride is really good, but I wasn’t sure about the next one…

Good design and an interesting walkthrough, but I hated every minute of the ride. I figured I would, but thought I’d give it a try anyway.

And then it rained all the rest of the day, so not many pictures. Still lots of rides checked off, though.

Oh yeah, ran into some nice Toy Story army men and saw this guy.


On my way from home in Northern VA heading more or less east to find a place to wretch the squirrel eat the sun…

On I-64W, after crossing into WV, you come to the I-64W West Virginia Welcome Center. There is a scenic overlook there lookin down at the Greenbriar Resort.

They have one heck of a basement.

There are 3 hollowed out mountains along the Appalachians and nearby - Greenbriar, Mount Weather, and Raven Rock. I’ve never been to Greenbriar.

They give tours, and I would have gone today, but I wasn’t dressed for it. You can’t wear jeans at the Greenbriar. They have standards.



Johnny Rocket photobombs totality.

Sorry for the shaky photo- I had other things on my mind


Visited Pella, IA today. A lovely Dutch themed town. Had a lot of fun!


Jeez, that’s a heck of a 14th hole. The trick is to time it just right.


Got back last night from an Owl City concert in Cincinnati on Friday. I’d never been to that kind of concert before, there were so many bright flashing lights! It was fantastic!
Also stopped at Big Bone Lick state park in Kentucky to go hiking on the way home, since I hadn’t been there since I was too young to remember it. They have some mildly disturbing statues of dying animals, and some real live bison there! For some reason I thought those might be extinct, but they are, in fact, not!


I thought that might be near Toad Suck Park, but it is not.

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Did you obey the instructions in the name and lick the bone? (Get your mind out of the gutter, I assume the bone in question is from like a brontosaurus or something)


Just got home from the Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival - NOVA/DC Metro.

Had some very good bourbon, a few fairly good beers, and some fairly good BBQ. The bands were fair.

Note the color of the Mac and cheese - it’s smoked. If you get a chance to try such a thing, I recommend it.

Found a new bourbon I enjoy.

It’s not as sweet as you’d think, the honey is very subtle, but it brings some complexity. Their other bourbons would also be welcome in my glass.