As A Woman I'd Like to say this

Well, the premise was that was a bad thing to be stopped.

Not much of it was about sex… the main thing was that (rich, amoral) people could achieve de facto immortality by having their minds uploaded into a theoretically endless succession of host bodies.

I liked it, though it was the weakest of his four series (I don’t count Agents of SHIELD as “his” series).

Whedon was apparently a very different person to different people. Eliza Dushku is a feminist and also a survivor of on-set abuse (on True Lies) and she worked with him on many shows with no hesitation, that I know of. A lot of his regulars, male and female, were apparently good friends of his and regular attendees of parties and Shakespeare readings at his house.

A real Jekyll and Hyde, apparently.


I feel that way about Firefly - how people missed the blatant Pro-Confederate subtext still puzzles me.

Finding out he was a blatant racist came as no surprise to me.


Well, there was no racial aspect in Firefly. TBH the Ray Fisher accusations are the least convincing part of the whole case against him. Even if Whedon was a bastard to him I’ve seen no evidence it was race-based. Whedon has been loudly (sometimes obnoxiously) liberal his whole career.

I think he has serious psychological issues that probably go back to his upbringing… with women (abusive behavior toward some, but not all women which he then tries to compensate for through performative feminism) and men as well (did we ever see a positive father character in any of his shows or movies?)

He seems like he needs some serious therapy… by someone other than a Hollywood shrink whose job is to charge $500 an hour to tell his rich clients they’re perfectly OK and everybody else is screwed up.

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I’m glad that you have a community you love being part of.

And I’m glad that I watched Crow’s “Let’s Talk Women” in Episode 907 - Hobgoblins. I know that in the unlikely situation that I ever encounter a woman, to treat her with respect and stuff.


You aren’t wrong.


Let’s not do what you are doing here.


Crow is our guide.

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Uh, not exactly. There are reports of Whendon literally fn someone in front of other people. It’s been very well reported.


I see a LOT less toxicity in the MST3K communities than in other fandoms for sure.

I’m happy you feel welcome. Because you are.


Psssh, the difference between me being younger and me now is that, when I am forced to fight a bully or bigot, I have people ready to help me fight. I’m usually fine.


Probably because we’re all just a teeny bit twisted ourselves. Else how could we love MST so?


That’s nice. Maybe some people don’t have that luxury. I am a cisgender white woman. I know how awful it is to fight my own current battles. Can’t imagine how much harder it is for people that aren’t in my skin.


:slightly_frowning_face: Sometimes you think you have it, but the so-called friends who swore they’d have your back actually didn’t. Sort of like reaching into your pocket for that $5 you had, but there’s just a hole and you’re standing there red-faced and disappointed.


With a fake cake you can’t eat and a dancer named Candy who needs to leave to drive her babysitter home?


We actually like Hamlet. I read the book after seeing the MST version. She watched it after I dragged her to see it performed. It was a nice “I told you so.”


I’m late to the party, but this thread makes me happy.

And you know what? No, I’m not late. Kindness is evergreen.


who is that GIF

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I’ve been particularly grateful for this board since Friday. In general, sexist trollery has been firmly unwelcome here and I appreciate everyone who’s discouraged and disengaged with it.


Came here to commend the general vibe of this thread, especially in light of some recent other threads. Got distracted by someone attacking the Irish , as ya do :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but yes, hold your heads high, this truly is the internet as it should be. Open to everyone, a true worldwide community.

Also congrats to our new mods, bribes available on request :joy:


excited wake up GIF by Nickelodeon

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