1111. Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II (1989)

When at a wedding reception attended by Roger Corman, writer of Wizards of the Lost Kingdom (1985) Ed Naha once recounted reminiscing with Roger on Wizards and Corman confessing “Oh, y’know that did very well in video. We filmed the sequel!” “Second verse, same the first”? Stock footage, entire scenes and battles reused and dubbed over from other Corman flicks, plot and props snatched from Deathstalker (1983) and its sequel, more of the same or Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II (1989)? Raining outside, GIF Notes, Punt Bunnies, “Dark One’s Renaissance Bar and Grille”, The Wizards Comedy Craze. “This movie is already so much more awesomer than the first one”, “The music is all orchestral hits. It’s like a Super Nintendo soundtrack”, “It’s not a wizard movie without some bubbling water.” “Jonah, are our lives flashing before our eyes” or “David Carradine in Mystery Science Theater 3000”?


Note: jamesismadagain wrote a Wizards of the Lost Kingdom 2 post on the kid actor from Tremors (1990). His conversation deals more on the actor than the movie. If you want to react to his thread click the link below.




I basically echo my comment on the first one, and add that I love Kinga’s unadulterated glee in the punt bunnies scene. Now that’s a Mad!



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Kinda scary that someone labelled that as the best scene. :fearful:


Let’s not forget a fifteen year old boy getting propositioned by a leather-clad dominatrix named after a literal Norse sex goddess.


He has no weapon, Tyor, and he knows that if you even embrace the thought of killing him, you will become evil and join him and not kill him. Get it?

Yeah, I get it.
It’s like Star Wars, right? All you had to tell me was it was like Star Wars.



Let’s not forget to invite Wizards of the Lost Kingdom Eddie to EddieCon.


I’ll just parrot my thoughts on Wizards 1 - both of these are very solid eps. IMO they get unfairly rated because people simply can’t stand Melvin from Tremors in this one.


I’m mostly just amazed that Corman bothered to market this as a sequel. Was the first movie really such a big hit that he thought its name would be that much of an audience draw? And even if it succeeded in pulling any fanbase that might exist for the first film, they’ll just be pissed off when it turns out it’s a totally unrelated story, artificially connected by killing off all the first film’s heroes in a way even Alien 3 would call underbaked.


At least the film didn’t pretend he was at all cool. Instead, it went “yep, this (broad gesture encompassing all of him) is your hero. Just go with it.”


I love this episode. Not quite top tier but very close. A perfect film for the show. Some real star power completely slumming it for a paycheck(with bonus tragic endings for Lana and David), insanely bad acting and writing, nonsensical loss of pants, tyor not being able to run, etc etc.

and the riffing is great.


I hardly even notice him. There’ve been so many more annoying kids in previous movies. He barely even registers for me.


you are assuming Corman or anyone involved in this gave a hoot about anything other than making a dime on a 4 week coke binge they shot in the forest and giving the production crews something to do in between bigger projects.

I love to bring up movies like this when they had the backlash against doing Asylum films like Atlantic Rim… (‘they know what they are making is bad!, it’s cynical filmmaking, they barely tried’)

It is simply nostalgia goggles that allow movies like Space Mutiny and this stinker to exist without any of those complaints being thrown at it. It’s the same stuff just different eras.

And they make for great episodes.


also Punt Bunnies are amazing.


The shop-and-compare thread for worst child actors. If you missed it previously:


Well there’s that. “Hello Roger Corman!” Much as Coleman Francis had a calling card, Corman did too. Sleaze and the inappropriate were his jam.

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“'Tis passing strange”

“that’s phrasing odd”

gets a bark of laughter from me everytime.


Wizards Of The Lost Kingdom is one of the absolute gems of the Netflix era. Wizards Of The Lost Kingdom II… is a thing that exists. It’s a rough one to get through. And the “You Might Be A Crummy Wizard” sketch may be one of the worst sketches they’ve ever done.

The Dark One franchise restaurant orientation video sketch is pure gold, though.